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Meet Our Programmes!

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Teaching Methodology


Specify Age Group Needs  

Our programme is designed to cater for specific age group (4, 5 & 6 year-old)


Language Development

Our programme has 3 major languages (Malay, English and Chinese) and it can be inter-changeable instantly.

This will enable the children to pick up all the languages at the same time.


Fun Learning

Creative and entertaining games are used to boost the children’s interest in learning.


Progressive Learning

Each age group has their own programme and each programme is designed according to their mental development.


According to standard preschool syllabus

Our programme incorporate all the necessary skills and knowledge that a preschooler needs to acquire according to the preschool guideline approved by the Ministry of Education.


Interactive Learning

Children will learn how to respond according to instructions and each action will have the desired respond.

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